Transforming Mall Operations

Optimize mall operations with our comprehensive management system. It’s designed to handle all aspects of mall operations seamlessly, from lead management to contract handling, invoicing to accounting integration. … Book your Demo


In the ever-evolving world of mall management, efficiency and seamless operations are paramount. vNex Mall Management Solution is a comprehensive system designed to handle all aspects of mall operations, from lead management to contract handling, invoicing to accounting integration


Optimize your mall operations and enhance efficiency with vNex Mall Management Solution. From lead management to accounting integration, we provide the tools you need to streamline operations, improve tenant relationships, and maximize the profitability of your mall.

Lead Management

Effortlessly capture and manage inquiries from potential tenants, helping you convert leads into successful lease agreements.​

Rent and Invoicing

Automate rent calculation, generate invoices, and manage payments efficiently. Ensure accuracy and timeliness in billing and collections.​

Maintenance and Facility Management

Manage maintenance requests, track facility issues, and schedule maintenance tasks to ensure the mall is always in top condition.​

Mobile Accessibility

Stay connected and manage mall operations on-the-go with mobile-friendly interfaces, allowing you to respond quickly to tenant needs and issues.

Tenant Relationship Management

Maintain a complete tenant database, including contact information, lease details, and historical data, for a holistic view of your tenant relationships.​

Financial Integration

Seamlessly integrate with accounting software to streamline financial processes. Keep your books up-to-date and gain real-time insights into mall finances.

Security and Data Privacy

Prioritize the security and privacy of sensitive data. Our Mall Management Solution complies with data protection regulations, ensuring the confidentiality of tenant and operational information.

Inventory Management

Track and manage mall inventory, including fixtures, equipment, and supplies, to ensure optimal resource utilization.​

Lease Management

Streamline the lease negotiation and contract management process. Easily generate and track lease agreements, amendments, and renewals.


Tenant Services

Offer tenants a self-service portal to request maintenance, report issues, and access important documents, enhancing tenant satisfaction.​

Performance Analytics

Access comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to monitor the performance of your mall, track occupancy rates, and evaluate the financial health of your operation.​


Tailor the system to meet your specific mall management needs. Customize workflows, reports, and interfaces to align with your processes.

Use Cases

Optimizing Lead Management

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  • Scenario: A shopping center is struggling to manage leads from potential tenants. The current system is unstructured, leading to missed opportunities and ineffective communication. This leads to vacant buildings and a loss of potential income.

    Solution: The mall uses our RSMS (Mall Management Solution) to simplify lead management. The system aggregates information about all leads, making it easier to track and follow up. Features like automated lead assignment and status tracking ensure that no potential tenants are overlooked.

    Impact: The store gets a big boost in lead conversion rates. Centralized lead management allows for efficient and timely follow-up, reducing the number of empty units. Automated lead assignment ensures that each lead is promptly dealt with by the right team member, increasing the likelihood of a successful lease agreement. This increases the population and the revenue of the mall.

Simplifying Invoicing

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  • Scenario: The mall’s current invoicing system is complex and inefficient, resulting in delayed payments and accounting discrepancies. The management team needs a solution to automate and simplify the processing of invoices.

    Solution: Implemented RSMS for automated invoicing. The system generates invoices based on predetermined terms and conditions, delivers them to tenants, and tracks payments. When integrated with the mall’s accounting software, it provides accurate financial records.

    Impact: Invoicing becomes automated and timely, resulting in faster payments and fewer discrepancies. Scheduling reduces the workload on the finance team and reduces errors. Integration with accounting software keeps financial records up-to-date at all times, improving financial reporting and decision-making. They improve the overall financial health of the dealership, improving revenue and reducing administrative burdens.


Effective contract handeling

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  • Scenario: The mall management team is experiencing difficulties in executing tenant contracts. The manual process is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to delays in contract renewals and disputes over terms.

    Solution: RSMS has been implemented to manage the entire life of the contract. The solution includes features for writing, reviewing, and renewing contracts, with automated alerts for impending expiration and digital signatures to speed up the process.

    Impact: Contract processing will be smooth and error-free. Automated alerts ensure timely updates, reducing the risk of loss. Digital signatures speed up the approval process, allowing tenants to move in faster. The streamlined process reduces friction and increases tenant satisfaction, contributing to smooth operations and positive tenant relationships

Integrating Accounting

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  • Scenario: The store management team faces challenges in maintaining accurate financial records due to the lack of integration of operational and accounting systems. This leads to inconsistencies and time-consuming reconciliation processes.

    Solution: RSMS integrates seamlessly with the mall’s existing accounting software. It aggregates all financial information from supermarket operations such as payments, payments, and expenses into a unified accounting system.

    Impact: The merger simplifies budgeting, ensuring all financial information is accurate and up-to-date. This reduces the time required for manual reconciliation and reduces errors. The management team gains real-time insight into the financial position of the retailer, allowing them to make more informed decisions. Increased financial equity and efficiency leads to better budgeting and budgeting, which benefits the entire retail sector.

Enhancing Overall mall Operations

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  • Scenario: A large shopping mall is struggling with the challenges of managing various aspects of its business, including tenant relations, maintenance, marketing, and financial management. The absence of a centralized system leads to inefficiency and inefficiency.

    Solution: The mall adopts RSMS for comprehensive management planning. The solution offers modules for lead management, contract handling, invoicing, accounting integration, and more, providing a unified platform for managing all aspects of mall operations.

    Impact: Mall operations will be more efficient and unified. A centralized system improves communication and collaboration between departments, leading to efficiencies. The retail management team can now monitor and manage all activities from a single platform, improving monitoring and control. This holistic approach improves tenant satisfaction, improves resource utilization, and increases overall operational efficiency, ultimately leading to greater profitability and growth for the retailer.